I'm Mindy, all I do here is blog about circle lens reviews, make-up reviews, tutorials and other stuff.
I hope you enjoy my blog.
See you around ♡
*waves at you*
I'm Mindy and this is my blog!
I will mostly blog about beauty and lifestyle. I will often post some makeup or circle lens reviews and sometimes you will even see me blogging about my travels. I travel quite a lot and really enjoy taking and posting photos of my travels.
I'm born and raised in Germany and I'm currently studying in university. My major is computer science. I can speak English, German, Vietnamese and I'm currently trying to learn Korean & Chinese. I'm also interested in learning Japanese. I'm always open to accept new penpals, just message me! I would love to have someone to write cute letters too haha. My hobbies are sleeping, photo editing, doing makeup, sheet masking and also online shopping so I'm just like a typical beauty-addicted blogger haha. I'm also a huge fan of journaling and stationery, especially stickers. I have a huge collection of all kinds of cute stickers but never actually use any of them! My favorite food is fried chicken and chicken nuggets but I honestly also love all kinds of food with a lot of cheese, huge fan of mexican food here! My favorite drinks are chrysanthemen tea and milk tea~
If you get offended by something or you just don’t like me please unfollow me because you’re not welcome on my blog.
If you have any questions or need advice or just want to talk to me feel free to add me on my social networks or click on contact me. I won't ignore anyone, I promise !!!
Thanks and have a good day!