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Today's review will be about the G&G Alamode Brown lenses from KPOP2. But this review will be a bit different because I will write in English and German
I heard a lot of good things about this website from other bloggers and you can buy a pair of lenses there for only $10.99. That's SO cheap compared to other websites! I noticed that they also sell circle lenses from other brands like LensMe, MI and EyeTeck which are really popular in S.Korea among circle lens wearers but aren't easy to find online. At first, I was a bit hesitant because of the cheap price but they aren't dangerous or uncomfortable~! I really wanted to try this pair because they look super natural and I think they aren't too expensive to try them out haha
Ich habe schon viele gute Dinge über KPOP2 von anderen Bloggern gehört. Ein Paar Circle Lenses kostet dort nur $10.99 (~8,50€). Das ist total billig im Vergleich zu anderen Seiten wie z.B. Pinkyparadise oder Honeycolor. Außerdem verkaufen sie dort auch anderen Marken wie z.B. LensMe, MI und EyeTeck, die in S.Korea total beliebt unter Ulzzangs 얼짱 etc. sind, aber schwer im Internet kaufbar sind. Zuerst hab ich auch etwas gezögert, weil die Lenses so billig sind, aber sie sind kein bisschen gefährlicher oder ungemütlicher als Circle Lenses von anderen Seiten~! Ich wollte unbedingt dieses Paar ausprobieren, weil sie richtig natürlich aussehen und auch nicht zu teuer sind um sie mal zu probieren haha
The package arrived super fast! It arrived after 10 working days which is faster than on other websites by a lot. I was super happy because I didn't have to wait 3 weeks to get my circle lenses. It wasn't even 2 weeks! My lenses were packed safely in bubble wrap to prevent them from getting broken in the transportation. I contacted them to ask them a few questions about the lenses etc. The person who runs this blog is really kind! She replied so fast I don't even know how she does this. I only waited for a few hours till I got a reply. Their service is really good!
Die Lenses sind super schnell angekommen (wenn man bedenkt, dass sie aus Südkorea geschickt werden)! Schon nach 10 Arbeitstagen (Mo-Fr.) waren sie da. Ich hab mich mega gefreut, weil ich nicht ganze 3 WOCHEN auf meine Circle Lenses warten musste sondern nur halb so lange. Meine Lenses wurden sicher in Luftpolsterfolie eingepackt um zu verhindern, dass sie schon während des Transportes kaputt gehen. Ich hab auch den Support ausgenutzt und denen einpaar Fragen über die Lenses etc geschickt. Die Person, die diese Webseite leitet ist richtig nett und sie antwortet so schnell. Ich hab keine Ahnung wie sie das hinbekommt, aber ich musste nur einpaar Stunden warten bis endlich eine Antwort kam. Der Service ist gut!
Lenses in their vials + Bottle of the Lens Lensen in ihrem Behälter + Kontaktlinsenbehälter
I opened the bottle and let my lenses soak for about 8 hours before I put them on. You need to let them soak because the solution in the bottle (Storage Solution) is harmful for your eyes. If you take your lenses out and put them directly onto your eyes they will start to burn and your eyes will get irritated. Soaking the lenses will wash away the storage solution.
Als ich die Kontaktlinsenflasche aufgemacht habe, habe ich die Linsen für 8 Stunden in einer All-in-one Lösung einweichen lassen, weil die Flüssigkeit in der die Circle Lenses gelagert sind ,schädlich für das Auge sind, wenn ihr sie davor nicht einweichen lässt. Die Lösung wäscht die 'Storage Solution' aus den Linsen und sie werden nicht im Auge brennen wenn ihr sie reinlegt.
G&G/Dueba pattern G&G/Dueba Muster
One thing I really like about KPOP2 is that they will show you the actual graphic diameter and the diameter of the lens itself because if you're looking for a big lens the diameter can trick you because it could be that they state that the diatmeter is 15mm but the actual graphic diameter is only 14.5mm. So don't be tricked when they state that the graphic diamter is only 13.5mm or smaller because they aren't smaller by a lot than the usual lenses! But I think that KPOP2 focuses more on the natural looking circle lenses than on those super huge circle lenses looking really fake.
Was ich an KPOP2 auch mag ist, dass sie auch den Grafik Diameter angeben. Wenn man z.B. nach einer Linse sucht, die die Augen richtig vergrößert, kann es sein, dass auf anderen Seiten der Diameter als 15mm angegeben wird, aber in echt der Grafik Diameter nur 14.5mm ist. Also macht euch keine Sorge wenn bei dem Grafik Diameter nur 13.5mm oder kleiner steht, weil sie nicht viel kleiner sind als normale Circle Lenses! Aber ich glaube auch, dass KPOP2 sich mehr auf natürliche Linsen spezialisiert als auf diese hyper großen Linsen mit einem Diameter von 15mm++, welche total fake aussehen.
G&G ALAMODE BROWNKPOP2 Price:Graphic Diameter: 14mm Overall Diameter: 14.2mm Water Content: 38% Base Curve: 8.6mm Duration of use: 1 Year (recommend 6-8 months)
I apologize for my uneven eye lids ><
The design is really natural and blends in well in dark brown eyes. The pattern is brown/yellow with a thick black limbal ring and little black dots around the pupil. I think this pattern isn't vibrant and won't stand out too much if you go out with friends. I like the design a lot because it's not too boring but not to vibrant either. The design is really beautiful!♡
Das Design ist sehr natürlich und vermischt sich gut mit meinen dunkelbraunen Augen. Das Muster ist braun/gelb mit einem dicken schwarzen Ring und kleinen schwarzen Punkten um die Pupille. Ich finde, dass das Muster nicht so auffällig ist wenn man draußen unterwegs ist. Ich mag das Design, weil es nicht so langweilig ist, aber auch nicht so auffällig das man richtig auffällt. Das Design ist echt schön!
I love the color so much! ♡ It's such a nice brown tone! These lenses look super natural and you can wear them everday because of their naturalness. People won't notice you're wearing them! These lenses look super gorgeous! ♡
Ich liebe die Farbe so doll! ♡ Die Linsen haben einen richtig schönen Braunton! Sie sehen super natürlich aus und man kann sie auch jeden Tag tragen, da sie so natürlich sind. Niemand wird bemerken das man Circle Lenses trägt. Diese Linsen sehen wunderschön aus! ♡
These lenses were super comfortable! I didn't feel them after a while in my eyes anymore. But I had to use eyedrops after 4 hours because my eyes felt dry and tired. But all my lenses make my eyes tired and dry after 4 hours so it's not a big deal~♡
Die Linsen waren richtig bequem! Ich hab sie nach einer Weile tragen nicht mehr im Auge gespürt. Aber nach ca. 4 Stunden musste ich Augentropfen benutzen, weil meine Augen sich müde und trocken angefühlt haben. Aber alle meine Circle Lenses fühlen sich so nach 4 Stunden an also ist es nichts schlimmes~ ♡
They enlarge really well although they're only 14mm (14.2mm) graphic diameter! When I put them onto my eyes they appeared significant larger! My eyes appeared as big as when I'm wearing my 14.5mm lenses. These lenses will give you that 'dolly look' ♡
Die Linsen machen das Auge viel größer obwohl sie nur 14mm (14.2mm) Grafik Diameter haben! Meine Augen sahen viel größer aus als ich sie im Auge hatte! Sie sahen genauso groß aus wie wenn ich meine 14.5mm großen Linsen trage. Diese Circle Lenses geben einen den 'dolly look' ♡
I give them 5/5 because they're so super cute and adorable! I love these lenses SO much! ♡ I never want to give them away! My eyes look super cute with these lenses and they aren't uncomfortable at all! Their enlargement is really good for their diameter. I can also wear them to school or when meeting my friends ♡They're perfect for anyone looking for a cute dolly look! I would repurchase them when I need new brown lenses ^-^*
Ich gebe diesen Linsen 5/5, weil sie super süß sind und total niedlich! Ich liebe diese Linsen SO doll! ♡ Ich will sie nie wieder hergeben! Meine Augen sehen mit ihnen super süß aus und sie sind überhaupt nicht ungemütlich! Sie vergrößern das Auge total obwohl sie nur so einen kleinen Diameter haben . Man kann diese Linsen auch zur Schule oder wenn man mit Freunden unterwegs ist tragen ♡ diese Circle Lenses sind perfeckt für jeden, der nach Linsen sucht die einem den 'dolly look' geben! Ich würde sie sogar wiederkaufen wenn ich neue braune Linsen brauche ^-^*
Here are a few selcas with the Alamode Brown Lenses being worn:
Thanks for reading my review~! ♡
Please leave a comment below and follow me! ♡
Mymychen's questions for you: Guess my ethnicity/nationality~♡
Labels: braune circle lenses, braune kontaktlinsen, braune Linsen, brown circle lenses, brown lenses, circle lenses, dueba, dueba alamode, dueba alamode brown, g&g alamode, g&g alamode brown, g&g contact lens kittiewhite said on August 11, 2013 at 11:21 AM very natural and innocent looking ^.^ lovely :) Mindy said on August 11, 2013 at 11:32 AM Thanks for reading my review, Katy ♡ Junjun said on August 11, 2013 at 3:06 PM This is so cute! I love how it really defines your eyes. c: Thanks for the review, 美美~ Michelle said on August 11, 2013 at 3:20 PM aww you're so adorable :3 momo-nhi said on August 11, 2013 at 3:29 PM Arwwww *-* The circle lenses are so adorable and the natural and innocent look suits you very well . I really like them and the shop, too <3. Thanks for the review! :3 Mindy said on August 11, 2013 at 3:47 PM Thanks for always reading my reviews and always writing a comment, Junjun! I really do appreciate it ♡ Jasmine said on August 11, 2013 at 4:10 PM Woah they make your eyes look crazy big :o Kat said on August 11, 2013 at 4:31 PM This contact looks pretty and natural! ^-^ You're so cute ^-^ (I wish I was cute (>_<) Mindy said on August 11, 2013 at 11:55 PM Aw, thank you so much ♡ I really appreciate that you left a comment here ^-^* Let's keep in touch~! c: Mindy said on August 11, 2013 at 11:57 PM Aww, Thanks, Leslie ♡ I love love LOVE these lenses SO much and I would recommend the lenses and this shop to you ^-^* aimiichie said on August 11, 2013 at 11:59 PM Oh my goodness~ These lenses look so natural! I love them on you~ And you're so cute <3 Mindy said on August 12, 2013 at 12:08 AM Yup, they do make my eyes really big! The enlargement is quite well ^-^* Thanks for reading my review, Jasmine!♡ Mindy said on August 12, 2013 at 12:12 AM Thanks for always reading and commenting on my posts, Kat!♡ I really appreciate it ^-^* These contacts do really look so natural haha Mindy said on August 12, 2013 at 12:14 AM OK! Thanks for inviting me lol ♡ Mindy said on August 12, 2013 at 12:15 AM Thank you, Aimee ♡ I like these lenses a lot too! You should try them someday~! You're really pretty and cute too ^-^* Thanks for reading ♡ mariang said on August 12, 2013 at 4:08 AM You look so cute with those circle lenses! I've never tried these lenses before because I'm always so afraid that they could hurt my eyes haha. However, I should give it at least a try. It's also a very natural color :) ! * ♔ ♥... !*~ ღ tokkii autumn 토 끼 가 을 ღ ~*!:♡ ♔ * said on August 12, 2013 at 4:54 AM hey pretty Mindy said on August 12, 2013 at 9:01 AM haha Thanks ♡ I was really afraid too but after wearing them for the first time I was really relieved and I realized that I shouldn't have worried so much >u< I think you should give them a try and if they really do feel weird just threw them away but at least you will know what they feel like ! ^-^* Thanks for reading my review, Maho! :) ♡ Mindy said on August 12, 2013 at 9:13 AM Hello~! Thanks for visiting my blog and for following me ♡ I will definitely check out your blog and there might be a chance I will follow you! ^-^* Gita Regina said on August 12, 2013 at 10:49 AM you're such a cutie pie ! xD Mindy said on August 12, 2013 at 11:18 AM omg Thanks ♡ I will definitely check out your blog~! ^-^* ♡ Gita Regina said on August 12, 2013 at 11:52 AM i bought it frm local store in my city :o Mindy said on August 12, 2013 at 12:14 PM omg you're so lucky to have a local store where they sell those kind of cute stuff ;o; Gita Regina said on August 12, 2013 at 12:22 PM there are so many store that sell cute stuff here xD Mindy said on August 12, 2013 at 12:32 PM I envy you so much >u< ♡ Let me live near you haha Born2cute said on August 12, 2013 at 1:47 PM Haha, today I got a package from them too! My circle lenses look similar, but I chose gray ones (dunno why though) Mindy said on August 13, 2013 at 10:43 AM Wow, that's super awesome! Their service is soo nice, right? I would love to buy grey lenses there too so I may buy the same one as you~! ^-^* I will definitely check out your blog and I might follow you if I really love your blog! ♡ Thanks for reading my review, Moni~ CMak said on August 13, 2013 at 2:14 PM The contacts look good on you! Emily said on August 13, 2013 at 3:01 PM Wow you look so pretty! The lenses look sort of natural but they do enlarge really well ~ I don't wear circle lenses but I wish I could because they make your eyes look so cute^-^ Ally Cui said on August 14, 2013 at 2:46 AM Love reading your reviews 美美! But sadly I have never worn contacts the thought of not being able to get them out really scares me...lol <3 Dreamy Princess said on August 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM What a nice review. Mindy said on August 14, 2013 at 12:06 PM Thanks for visting my blog ^-^* ♡ I really like the lenses on me too LOL~ Mindy said on August 14, 2013 at 12:08 PM Omg Thanks ♡ You should try a pair of them because they're really pretty~! I recommend buying at KPOP2 because their lenses are super cheap idek why :o I will check out your blog and tell you then~! :3 Mindy said on August 14, 2013 at 12:18 PM aw, Thanks for reading and commenting on my post~! ♡ Don't be afraid to wear them because of that haha I'm not saying you have to wear them but if you get them in you will definitely get them out too! It's a lot harder to put them in than out haha :D ♡ Mindy said on August 14, 2013 at 12:18 PM Thanks for visiting my blog ♡ I really like those lenses on me too LOL~ Elli said on August 14, 2013 at 12:28 PM These look so pretty and natural! I always wanted to buy a pair, but I never actually found a simple one like this. It looks really good on you! Thanks for the review :3 Mindy said on August 15, 2013 at 9:51 AM omg Thanks, Elli ! ♡ Mindy said on August 15, 2013 at 9:54 AM Hello Mimiko~! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting ♡ I don't know this site but I will definitely check it out! :) Visa said on August 15, 2013 at 11:50 AM great review, i haven't tried new circle lenses in forever! these are really cute on you, thanks for sharing and for also commenting on my recent blog post. perhaps we could keep in touch and follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin'? please feel free to check out my blog and let me know if you'd like to. Mindy said on August 15, 2013 at 12:54 PM Hey Thanks for visiting my blog ♡! You should try these. I bet they'd look really adorable on you too ^-^* I will definitely check out your blog and tell you then ^-^* ♡ Monica said on August 15, 2013 at 6:09 PM These looks super lovely Unknown said on August 16, 2013 at 10:14 AM Ooo cute! Mindy said on August 16, 2013 at 2:06 PM Thanks for visiting my blog ♥! They do look really natural irl too~ Perfect for everyday use :) Mindy said on August 16, 2013 at 2:06 PM Thanks for visiting my blog, Jo-Ann! ♥ You're right! They're really natural but still give you that dolly look because they do define your eyes a lot ^-^* Lys N. said on August 16, 2013 at 3:16 PM They look so nice on you! Sakuranko said on August 16, 2013 at 10:19 PM Oh sweetie this lens looks absolutely pretty on you. Really natural but a really bit dolly effect absolute match perfect with your natural eyes. Thanks for your detailed review is really cute lovely and perfect lens for you. Lalaa said on August 17, 2013 at 3:07 AM OMG it looks so natural on you! And you're so pretty >w< Rain said on August 17, 2013 at 3:45 AM hi thank you for visiting my blog so often Mindy said on August 17, 2013 at 10:04 AM haha Thanks for visiting my blog Lys ♥ Mindy said on August 17, 2013 at 10:05 AM Aw, Thanks ♥ I think these would look good on everyone! :) Mindy said on August 17, 2013 at 10:06 AM omg Thanks for visiting my blog and following me, Lalaa ♥! I really appreciate your kind words :) Mindy said on August 17, 2013 at 10:07 AM haha no problem! You're blog is really awesome. I love reading your personal posts ^-^* ♥ Thanks for inviting me to your giveaway. I will definitely enter it and spread the word for you :) ♥ Vivi said on August 17, 2013 at 1:15 PM These are sooo beautiful! They look like my lenses a little. said on August 17, 2013 at 1:30 PM Filipino arent you? hehe Ehara Poetry said on August 17, 2013 at 2:03 PM the lens looks natural,makes your pretty eyes more prettier :-) Mindy said on August 17, 2013 at 2:05 PM haha Thanks for visiting my blog and following ♥ Mindy said on August 17, 2013 at 2:08 PM No, I'm not ;u; WHY IS EVERYONE SAYING I LOOK FILLIPINO ;O; Mindy said on August 17, 2013 at 2:09 PM omg Thanks you're such a cute person ♥ Kat said on August 17, 2013 at 4:26 PM ^-^ Thank you. You're so sweet I wish I was pretty like them. For the face mask. Let me know what your skin type is and what you're looking for to help (for your skin) that way I can help you out in picking a mask. ^-^ Ohh for your question in your post to what ethnicity you are... hmm.. it's pretty tough. You look 'hapa' (in Hawaii it means half/half) I would probably guess. . . Chinese (your last name is Chen?) Sorry, I'm bad at guessing. But, no one can guess my ethnicity either most of the time. >_< Mindy said on August 17, 2013 at 4:39 PM Okay I will drop a comment at your last post ^-^* Thanks for guessing haha a lot of people can't guess my nationality too they always say that I look filipino >u< I think you look so korean! Especially your eye make up! That's the main reason I think you are korean haha (it's such a dumb reason ik :/ ) Kat said on August 17, 2013 at 6:13 PM Keke~ Thanks for guessing ^-^ everyone thinks I'm half Korean half Chinese or Japanese usually. I even get that I look Haole (Causcasian) (>.<) Well, to be honest people probably say you look Filipino maybe because your nose? But, then again your nose doesn't look Filipino (>_<) I don't really know. lol. Hmm. . . Oily T-zone but, dry cheeks. That's a bit of a hard one. No matter what products you apply when you wake up your T-zone will be oily. But, the product that I've been using Unknown said on August 17, 2013 at 9:38 PM wooaaaah you are so cute >,< i love this lens pattern , i had a lot of brown lens now ,, should i put it on my cart QAQ,, really want it >,< Mindy said on August 18, 2013 at 2:28 AM Aww Thanks, Ariisa >u< ♥ If you like the pattern so much you should get it! It's only $10.99 That's so freaking cheap :o haha Mindy said on August 18, 2013 at 2:55 AM Okay thanks, Kat ^-^* But where did you buy the Tony Moly sleeping mask? I couldn't find it anywhere :c fashgrace said on August 19, 2013 at 10:06 PM damn pretty!! it looks very natural too ! and you have really pretty eyes! haha. by the way, i don't know how to convert that currency to malaysia ringgit. haha Mindy said on August 20, 2013 at 11:29 AM Aw Thank you so much ♥ You should use a converter on the internet to get it in malaysia ringgit haha :D I love your eyes too~ you looks super gorgeous! *-* I will definitely follow you back!! You're so cute lol ♥ If you're interested in buying natural circle lenses you can try kpop2.com or klenspop.com since their circle lenses are so freaking cheap and natural haha ^-^* Unknown said on August 20, 2013 at 7:39 PM Your eyes are so round and cute. Sabrina said on August 20, 2013 at 8:20 PM Really great and thorough review! I've been dying to try circle lenses but I've never used contacts before so I'm a bit hesitant. And I love the shimmer you put over your eyelids. Really makes your eyes pop! Mindy said on August 21, 2013 at 9:25 AM hehe Thanks ^-^* ♥ I love their naturalness the best~ :) Mindy said on August 21, 2013 at 9:27 AM Thanks, Sabrina! I really tried my best for this review! :) You should definitely try them! They're not dangerous. And I never wore contact lenses before starting using circle lenses too~! I usually put shimmer on my eyes to open them hehheh :D ♥ jiru said on August 21, 2013 at 3:05 PM It surprised me how well these lenses enlarge your eyes! The colour and the design is nice too, very natural. You look very cute wearing them :3 Anna-Alina said on August 22, 2013 at 4:48 AM Look cute! Mindy said on August 22, 2013 at 11:08 AM Aw Thanks, Jiru ! ♥ you should check out their store to buy them hehe ^-^* I love the naturalness and enlargement a lot too~ :D Mindy said on August 22, 2013 at 11:13 AM Thanks for visitng my blog, Anna! ♥ I will check out your blog and tell you then~ ^-^* fashgrace said on August 23, 2013 at 4:00 AM it's in korea currency right? Mindy said on August 23, 2013 at 11:12 AM hah no, it's in USD and in Euro but you can buy on this page easily with paypal without any trouble in money converting I think ~ :3 Kay said on August 23, 2013 at 1:18 PM Oh youre adorable! Great review, I thnk they really look good on you. Jo said on August 23, 2013 at 1:19 PM Ooooh! You are so fortunate that your natural iris are already brown in colour as seen from the pic of one with and one without the lens. You look lovely btw. I can't wait to wear my coloured contacts but they really stung my eyes the last time I wore them after my cornea infection recovery. Mindy said on August 23, 2013 at 1:23 PM Thanks for visiting my blog, Kay~! ♥ I really appreciate all the comments you leave here hehheh :) Mindy said on August 23, 2013 at 1:31 PM Haha Thanks for posting such a long and nice comment! I really appreciate it, Jo~! ♥ Unknown said on August 24, 2013 at 9:21 AM you look absolutely adorable with these lenses!!!♡ Mindy said on August 24, 2013 at 9:32 AM Thanks ♡! I will definiterly checking out your giveaway! ^-^* Lucie P said on August 25, 2013 at 4:49 PM Die Linsen sehen sehr natürlich und "dolly" aus! Du siehst mit ihnen super süß und wünderschön! <3 btw, und danke für alle deine süße Kommentare! Mindy said on August 26, 2013 at 11:19 AM Aw Danke, Mina ♡ Ich mag die Linsen auch total! sie sind perfeckt für den Ulzzang look oder everyday look hehe ^-^ Und kein Ding, mach ich gerne :) ♡ Unknown said on August 26, 2013 at 11:24 PM Great review, thanks for sharing it here ! Mindy said on August 27, 2013 at 2:03 PM Hello Cayumi~! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting ♡ I don't know this site but I will definitely check it out! :) Unknown said on September 10, 2013 at 8:55 PM OMO~! It looks pretty on you :) Mindy said on September 13, 2013 at 4:02 PM omg thanks you so much, Majorie ♡ I think it's so freaking adorable that you comment on my blog! I feel so nice that someone so cute visits my blog ; u ; ♡ Unknown said on September 14, 2013 at 4:43 PM I'm super hesitant about buying these lenses because of the website. I've had bad experiences with other lens websites, even ones that ask for full price and have many good reviews, so I'm a little scared of buying from Kpop2 because of the crazy low price. Are the lenses still comfortable and good to use? They don't sting at all? Mindy said on September 14, 2013 at 5:20 PM Ok first off, Thank you so much for commenting here, Eun Hye ♡ Lol~ Unknown said on September 14, 2013 at 5:48 PM Thanks so much for the help! I don't feel worried anymore :) Mindy said on September 19, 2013 at 1:43 PM No problem! ♥ I'm happy I could help you hoho Unknown said on September 21, 2013 at 10:14 PM Wow Nice post, your blog post is amazing ! Unknown said on November 7, 2013 at 6:25 AM Really nice blog and I think I might buy from them!! :) Please check out my blog too if you have time <3 Just followed you~~ Unknown said on June 29, 2014 at 10:17 PM Korean-Lens is the best shop I know now, circle Lenses are very trendy now and I couldn't find clear information about circle lens shops on the Internet, so I want to share my experience. I have received my second order from this shop and everything is fine, good packing, and good authentic products, not like some other shops where I bought before, selling fake Chinese contact lenses. Mostly about this website I like the price as you get circle lenses for $19.90 including shipping and when you buy 2 pairs a third pair is free ! This is the cheapest shop and most reliable that I have found until now, and you can trust me as I am a circle lens addict, but if you know better please tell me? 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