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Helloo everyone~ ヾ(^∇^)
I got tagged by bloggers for the Weezy Award and I already wanted to post this award for soo long but I never really found the right time to post it~
I really wanna use this chance to give my love to a few bloggers I really like! ♥
1. Make a "note" to the person(s) who gave you this award.2. Nominate 3 (or more) friends that you think they are close/good/kind/etc. to you. 3. Give a note to each of them. 4. Tag this award on those friends you've chosen. 5. You can tag back if you want. *NOTE: The more you receive this award, the more it shows that you are friendly and like to be their friend. :)
Dear Krystal ♡
I was really surprised when you tagged me in this award. I always thought I wouldn't be noticed in all of your comments~! I'm so glad I can talk to you through Facebook and I hope we can become like really, really good friends in the future. I'm so jelly that you have lessons about web design and all this stuff I wanna learn too ; u ; I hope you can help me if I ever need help in this field haha xD
I sometimes feel like I would annoy you with my weird questions/messages on facebook. But you know, I sometimes just write anything to chat with you so please don't be too annoyed by me and endure it a bit longer lol.I really like you and I really wanna be friends with you hehheh ♡
Dear Kat ♡
I'm honestly so happy that we met each other here~ You're also like a bigger sister to me giving me advice how to take care of my skin and face proberly ^-^* I really envy you for your height and your flawless and milky face! I really love it whenever you're posting personal posts about your life or food I like how you're always so nice to everyone and how adorable you're personality is~! I always really appreciate whenever you're reading my posts and leaving super kind comments. I just simply think you're an awesome person who deserves 329482384234 followers ^-^* I hope we can be friends for a reaaally long time ♡
Dear Aimee ♡
When I just discovered your blog the first thing I thought was: "Hey, I think she's my age~"
I remember how we started to follow each other on Tumblr and Twitter and basically everywhere haha ^-^* You're such a adorable person! I wish there would be more people like you on this world- I still can't believe you're real age! It's not like you're old but you look sooo young for your age :o I think we should chat more often but I sometimes really don't know what to reply to your messages because I don't want to say anything wrong but that's just me :o
I wish that we will be able to see each other someday haha ^-^ Till that day, stay kind and beautiful~♡
Dear Sindy ♡
Thank you so much for nominating me! I honestly have that feeling too! I feel like we have a lot in common and our names rhyme, that's awesome haha xD I really enjoy reading your blog posts (especially the ones about ulzzang :D). I hope we can talk more through messengers and get to know each other better and become really good friends who can talk about anyting! You're also really pretty and ulzzang-ish *w* If you ever have vacations there or go to my country you should let me know because I would love to see you in person someday ; u ; ♡
Dear Majorie ♡
I really like you~! This sounds so meaningless but I don't know how to say it else- I just simply like you A LOT! ^-^* You're sooo incredibly nice and sweet to me ; u ; I totally love your playlist on your blog, the songs are really nice and I love the first track the best haha c:
I really like our conversations and I enjoy whenever I get a message from you :) I know how busy you must be because of your new job but take good care of yourself and let's keep in touch ♡
Dear Misa ♡
I think I know you for a while now and we even sent each other stuff per post so I can see you as good friend, right? haha :) I really like your blog skin and your posts! I think you're a really kind and sweet person I really envy you for your long-distance relationship and for your really healthy looking hair! I have a feeling that you're a really honest and mature person ^-^
I remember when we talked about our age haha Don't feel uncomfortable talking about your age because it's a really nice age for women :D I wish I would be as old as you to escape all of these teen problems~ xD
Dear Charmaine ♡
I absolutely love all of your posts and your personality is really cute too!♡ Your posts are really nice written and honestly, it's a mistery to me how you can afford all of these high-brand products like a Bobbi Brown gel liner + brush, a whole palette by them and all the Laneige and korean cosmetic stuff T^T THIS IS MAKING ME SO JELLY~
I love your personal posts with Ryan and Christy because you guys seem to be so fun to be around c: I wish I would know your FB link so I could add you there and talk to you more often ^-^ ♡
Dear Judy ♡
I know we haven't talked that much but I like you and I think Charmaine, you and me could be a super nice Kpop trio haha~ We should really meet up someday/somewhere and eat caramel chocolate and watch kdramas, kpop MVs and korean variety shows ^__^ I think that would be like the most excited meet up for me ever LOL I really appreciate how kind you are and that you comment on everyone's posts c: I hope we can talk more in the future and get to know each other better hehheh~ ♡
(I wanted to post more blogger but I got lazy ㅠ.ㅜ 미안 )
+ Everyone who reads this~! ♡
Feel free to post a Weezy Award to give out your love to a few bloggers-
If you really took your time to read this: THANK YOU FOR READING ♡ I LOVE YOU
Labels: Awards, mymychen, weezy award Judy said on September 25, 2013 at 2:34 PM Wee, thanks for the nomination :) Judy said on September 25, 2013 at 2:43 PM I just finished the note, it's on my blog :) check it out ? Charmaine K said on September 26, 2013 at 4:21 AM awwww thanks your mindy!!!♥ Sakuranko said on September 26, 2013 at 6:49 PM Oh really cute lovely nomination, really cute! Unknown said on September 27, 2013 at 3:12 PM why talking about my ageeee graaah! haha jk thank you for nominating me mindy you're so adorable like a little sister to me ^^ Emi ♡ 恵美 said on September 27, 2013 at 3:47 PM Awww such a sweet post ^^ Mindy said on September 27, 2013 at 4:33 PM I hope we can talk more too~! And checked it out :D Thanks for making one too, Judy ~! :3 Mindy said on September 27, 2013 at 4:35 PM She's so nice and your mom is still using make up? You're so lucky ; u ; Mindy said on September 27, 2013 at 4:37 PM haha seriously your age is so nice! I would love to have a big sister like you :D You're so kind to me ; u ; Mindy said on September 27, 2013 at 4:38 PM LOL thanks~ I wanted to tag you too but I got lazy and I didn't know what to write because I've never talked to you before T^T But I like your blog so much :D Mindy said on September 27, 2013 at 4:38 PM Thanks for always commenting, Sakuranko ~! That's so nice from you ^u^ ~ aimiichie said on September 27, 2013 at 5:52 PM Aww~ Thanks Mindy~~~ <3<3<3 Kat said on September 28, 2013 at 12:36 AM Awww, thank you you're so cute and sweet (>_<) I will always give you advice hihi~ I'm glad I found your blog or you found my blog ^-^ I don't know who found who first (>_<) I will try post more personal things ^-^ Mindy said on September 28, 2013 at 5:26 PM No need to thank! Thanks for tagging me tho *u* ♥ That was so sweet~ Mindy said on September 28, 2013 at 5:27 PM yay, I'm looking forward to them, I love reading more personal stuff about the blogger to get to know them better :D I Prepare for a lot of questions in the future haha ^-^* Rain said on September 29, 2013 at 1:09 AM i love your gif image at the end of post <3 so cute !! Mindy said on September 29, 2013 at 6:56 AM I know, right? *w* It's so adorable, they looks so cute awww <3 XD fashgrace said on September 29, 2013 at 7:39 AM awwwh! congrats on your weezy award! first time i know about this award and it seems cool! and wow, your friend KAT has a really GREAT amount of followers. haha i love reading your blog, you make everything sounds cute, just exactly how you look like. haha Emi ♡ 恵美 said on September 29, 2013 at 8:44 AM Awww thanks so much, it's the thought that counts :3 Visa said on September 29, 2013 at 11:08 AM congrats! and that cat gif <3 valerierbrems said on September 30, 2013 at 11:24 AM Congrats! Mindy said on September 30, 2013 at 2:51 PM Omg thanks for your lovely comment! This is seriously really cute ♥ I really love all your fashion posts and you're really cute too~♡ I would love to be your friend and talk to you more often :D And your boyfriend seems to be really fun and kind haha :3 Thanks for being so sweet *~*♥ Mindy said on September 30, 2013 at 2:52 PM Thanks♥and ikr! Its super cute ~♡ Mindy said on September 30, 2013 at 2:53 PM Thank you ~♡ ^~^* Unknown said on October 3, 2013 at 10:07 AM Mindyyyyy~! Thank you very much for nominating me! And I like you too~! Hihi. Such a sweet little sissy ♥ I am so glad you like the playlist on my blog! I also do enjoy our conversation on facebook, Mindy ^____^ I really wish we could hang out together someday. I will make a blog post about this on the weekend ^___^ Take care, Mindy~! Mindy said on October 10, 2013 at 4:59 PM You're so kind and cute, Emi *u* ♥ Mindy said on October 10, 2013 at 5:00 PM No need to thank, Majorie ^-^* I like you soo much, you're so nice and cute to me ♥ And I'm so excited for your blog post *u* Take good care too and Have fun with your internship :> |
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